Thursday, May 6, 2010

Yo soy la mama de Lupe

So I used to have a blog called Imaginartesanluisobispo, which I dedicated to my Spanish/Art classes for kids, but I've decided to make a new one to share with you all the fun creative activities I'm involved in, including a creative collective called UpcycleSLO.

I have been back in the SLO area with my esposo Pedro, and now my daughter Lupe, for about 2 and a half years (before that I was living in Mexico and Guatemala for 4 years) and am finding that there is so much fun and creative things to do. Every week my toddler and I are invovled in activities like story hour at the library, parent participation classes and music time at Boo Boos. I thought about calling my new blog "chispa" which is spanish for spark (a chispa of creativity, etc), or "Crearte" which is the spanish verb for "to create", made reflexive, so, create yourself, etc etc (a play on words). But these blogs were taken already. And then I thought, well, being active in the "toddler scene", or the "circuit", many people know me simply as Lupe's mom. That's how it is with kids; you meet so many other families, usually you only learn the kid's names first. So there it is, an easy name to remember, Has a ring to it, doesn't it?

Yesterday we did our monthly Spanish Story Hour at the SLO Library, Cantos y Cuentos. IT's always fun. We had a predominantly English speaking crowd this time, so it was a bilingual affair. Catch us again the first Tuesday in June at 4:15, and you don't have to be a Spanish speaker to come, all are welcome!

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